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老马识途 lǎo mǎ shí tú
老马能认识走过的道路。比喻年纪大的人;富有经验。识: 认得;途: 路。
An old horse knows the way.

一马平川 yī mǎ píng chuān
a wide [vast] expanse of flat land.

马到成功 mǎ dào chéng gōng
achieve immediate victory; win instant success.

马不停蹄 mǎ bù tíng tí
make a hurried journey without stop; continuously;

万马奔腾 wàn mǎ bēng téng
像无数匹马奔跑跳跃。形容群众性的活动声势浩大或场面热烈。奔腾: 跳跃着奔跑。
Ten thousand horses gallop forward

龙马精神 lóng mǎ jīng shén
比喻人精神旺盛。龙马: 古代传说中形状象龙的骏马。
the vigour of a dragon or horse — vigorous spirit of the aged ; full of vigour

天马行空 tiān mǎ xíng kōng
天马奔腾神速,象是腾起在空中飞行一样。比喻诗文气势豪放。也比喻人浮躁,不踏实。天马: 神马。
a heavenly steed soaring across the skies — a powerful and unconstrained style

快马加鞭 kuài mǎ jiā biān (more…)