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老马识途 lǎo mǎ shí tú
老马能认识走过的道路。比喻年纪大的人;富有经验。识: 认得;途: 路。
An old horse knows the way.

一马平川 yī mǎ píng chuān
a wide [vast] expanse of flat land.

马到成功 mǎ dào chéng gōng
achieve immediate victory; win instant success.

马不停蹄 mǎ bù tíng tí
make a hurried journey without stop; continuously;

万马奔腾 wàn mǎ bēng téng
像无数匹马奔跑跳跃。形容群众性的活动声势浩大或场面热烈。奔腾: 跳跃着奔跑。
Ten thousand horses gallop forward

龙马精神 lóng mǎ jīng shén
比喻人精神旺盛。龙马: 古代传说中形状象龙的骏马。
the vigour of a dragon or horse — vigorous spirit of the aged ; full of vigour

天马行空 tiān mǎ xíng kōng
天马奔腾神速,象是腾起在空中飞行一样。比喻诗文气势豪放。也比喻人浮躁,不踏实。天马: 神马。
a heavenly steed soaring across the skies — a powerful and unconstrained style

快马加鞭 kuài mǎ jiā biān
spur on the flying horse — at top speed ; accelerate the speed

千军万马 qiān jūn wàn mǎ
thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers – a powerful army

人强马壮 rén qiáng mǎ zhuàng
The men are fit and the horses in good condition

一马一鞍 yī mǎ yī ān
One horse, one saddle

车水马龙 chē shuǐ mǎ lóng
incessant stream of horses and carriages, be crowded with people and vehicles

一马当先 yī mǎ dāng xiān
ake the lead, be foremost in the fight

走马观花 zǒu mǎ guān huā
look at the flowers while passing on horseback — to glance over things hurriedly

汗马功劳 hàn mǎ gōng láo
指将士立下战功。后指对事业的辛勤贡献。汗马: 战马奔驰出汗。
distinctions won in battle, achievements (distinguished) in war

马马虎虎 mǎ mǎ hū hū
palter with something, average, just so so

走马上任 zǒu mǎ shàng rèn
go to take office

君子一言, 驷马难追 jūn zǐ yī yán,sì mǎ nán zhuī
形容君子话一出口, 决不反悔。一言: 一句话。
A word, can never be withdrawn. A Promise Is a Promise


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