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守株待兔 shŏu zhū dài tù

Waiting for a Hare to Turn up

One day in ancient times, a peasant was working in his field. A hare dashed up, unfortunately knocked against a tree in the field and fell dead with its neck broken. Then the peasant put down his hoe and waited by the tree for another hare to turn up. No more hares appeared, however, but he became the laughing-stock of the land.

《韩非子•五蠹》:“ 宋 人有耕田者,田中有株,
《hán fēi zǐ •wǔ dù 》:“ sòng rén yǒu gēng tián zhě ,tián zhōng yǒu zhū ,

tù zǒu ,chù zhù shé jǐng ér sǐ ,yīn shì qí lěi ér shǒu zhū ,jì fù dé

兔,兔不可復得,而身为宋国 笑。今欲以先王之
tù ,tù bù kě fù dé ,ér shēn wéi sòng guó xiào 。jīn yù yǐ xiān wáng zhī

zhèng ,zhì dāng shì zhī mín ,jiē shǒu zhū zhī lèi yě 。”

zhū :lù chū dì miàn de shù gēn 。

耒(lěi): 1)古代称犁上的木把
lěi (li i): 1)gǔ dài chēng lí shàng de mù bà
2)gǔ dài zhǐ gēng dì yòng de nóng jù 。


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